*NOTE - The views expressed in this article are personal*
One of the greatest mysteries which have intrigued humans,
till this day, is the mystery surrounding GOD- the supreme power or deity
believed to have created the world. “Does god really exists?”, “If he really
exists then where he is?” etc. are all forms of this supreme mystery,
surrounding the ‘supreme being’ known as GOD. Over the years people have
developed various beliefs and theories to answer this ultimate question-for
some such a supreme power does exist and for others it doesn’t. And this
mystery gets even complex with the advent of religions who try to ‘preach’ the
teachings of god.
Personally I don’t believe in the existence of some
imaginary being or any of the religions. It’s because there’s no logic behind
the existence of such a being. The religion and god are blindfolds preventing
people to perceive the truth. I once read somewhere that “when one person has
an imaginary friend people call him crazy but when several people have the same
imaginary friend people call that friend god”. God is nothing but an imaginary
being, stories made by people thousands of years ago, to forbid humans from
committing sins, to set some morals which would help humans live a peaceful
life. Also during ancient times when people could not explain the various
natural phenomena such as solar or lunar eclipse or earthquakes, they blamed
god, saying that god was the one behind such events, because the people
couldn’t find scientific explanations for such events. Now we all know why
solar eclipse happens or why there’s a tsunami- they are not some god’s work,
they happen due to some scientific laws. So there’s a very thin wall or
boundary that separates science and religion. When we don’t know the reason we
call it the work of god and when we know the reason we call it science.
Actually what really irritates me is that we have fantasised
that imaginary being so much that we actually fear from that being. We fear
from someone who doesn’t even exist! Our fear has made us weak, we now believe
less in ourselves and believe more in god, when people fail they don’t blame
themselves, they blame god. This fear of ours has made us crazy and in our
craziness we do the strangest of things, like pouring oil, milk, water and
other items on some stone just to please the god. We have even developed songs,
hymns, ‘shloks’ etc. in praise of the gods and sing them just to appease some
imaginary beings. Isn’t it weird? Isn’t it strange, crazy? And some people even
take advantage of our fears for their own personal benefits. I think we should
stop these futile practices because it will yield nothing but sorrow and instead,
should start working towards our goals.
These are my viewpoints and I don’t think many people will
agree to this. Well you don’t have to, for these are my beliefs, my ideologies,
people don’t have to agree on my beliefs. I am not against the notion of god I
am just against the so called organised religion and the superstitions
surrounding it. Yes I may have a different view on god but I am not against it,
though I sternly believe that God has not created humans, humans have created
the god. I believe that God is not a person, or a supreme being; it’s just a
symbol, symbol of love, truth, goodwill etc. which is there in each one of us.
The concept of god was created to serve as a remainder to us, to help us evoke
the goodness which lies inside us, to help us not forget our true purpose, to
help us lead a successful life.